Tour Detail


Overview of the 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya

This 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya  is designed for those who have enough time for a more comprehensive tour of the reserve. It is also excellent for international travelers attending a workshop in Nairobi or expatriates with no work on the weekend. This 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya can turn out to become one of the most memorable wildlife experiences you ever have in Kenya– especially if you happen to visit Kenya during the great wild beast migration.

The Maasai Mara national reserve is one of the most visited tourism destinations in Africa that has been voted an 8th wonder of the world. The reserve is located in the South Western part of the Kenya and within the Great Rift Valley. It covers an area of about 580 square miles and is surrounded by many private conservancies to make for an even larger eco-system. The reserve connects to the Serengeti national park to form one of Africa’s greatest wildlife conservation areas. The reserve is named after the Maasai people and the River Mara. The Mara River passes in the middle of the reserve helping provide water to wildlife all year long. The entire reserve generally consists of open savannah, undulating hills and rolling grasslands.

The Maasai Mara National Reserve is blessed with an amazing collection of wildlife. Wildlife is not limited to herbivores animals but all the big five, birds and much more. Most of the wildlife is concentrated around the Esoit Olooloo Escarpment of the Great Rift Valley. Animals love this part of the reserve because of its remoteness and vast swamps ensuring water for the animals all year round. The wildebeest migration between July and October brings over 1.5 million wildebeest and Zebra to the plains providing an incredible spectacle that you do  not want to miss while on the 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya . Watching the wildebeest cross the Mara River, new births and the endless battle between predator and prey is a highlight of any safari here.

Although this 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya will last only two days, you will be able to see the best that the reserve has to offer. This 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya starts and ends in Nairobi. Pickup and drop-off can be at any place in Nairobi city. For a more comprehensive tour of the Mara with a visit to the Masai village, we recommend the 3 day 2 nights Maasai Mara Tour package. So if you are out there planning on travelling to Kenya or visiting Kenya on a short notice, please book our 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya.

Full Itinerary of the 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya

Our Guide from Nungi safaris will pick you up after breakfast from your hotel in Nairobi city early in the morning (6:00am) to begin the journey to the Mara to go start your 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya. The driver guide will brief you about the 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya and what it entails. The journey takes you through Narok town and the great East African Rift Valley using the Nakuru highway. There will be short breaks for refreshment along the way and also to have one of the best views of the Great Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley is a natural wonder stretching from Mozambique in Southern Africa all the way to the Middle East. Expect to see a lot of the Maasai people while traversing Narok country. You can watch them graze their animals and go about their daily business. Upon arrival at the lodge (around midday), you will check-in, refresh and have lunch.

After relaxation, the driver/Guide will then embark on an afternoon game drive at around 2:30pm. This game drive takes you through the reserve in search of cheetahs, lions, elephants, buffalo, giraffe, warthogs, water bucks, reed-bucks and so much more. If you visit between July and October, you will be able to follow the great wildebeest migration, zebras, Thompson’s gazelle, impala, baboons, hyena, jackals, bat-eared foxes, baboons, warthog, Grant’s gazelle, crocodiles, eland and hippos. By the end of the game drive at 6:00pm, you would have seen all the big 5 mammals and more while on this 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya. Later retire to the lodge for dinner and overnight stay  

Wake up early and have breakfast before embarking an early morning safari game drive as you will be ending your 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya. This safari wildlife game drive will allow you to spot the earlier risers and the beautiful African sunrise.  It’s a great time to see lions closely because they love moving along the vehicle tracks in the morning to avoid the wet grass. The safari wildlife game drive will be arranged in a different part of the Mara so that you can experience a different scenery, landscape and wildlife concentration. After the safari wildlife game drive, the driver guide will start the journey back to Nairobi and the 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya. Lunch will be taken along the way and you should expect to reach Nairobi between 4 to 6 p.m. The driver will drop you at your residence, hotel or airport. In case you wish to extend your trip for more days in the Maasai lands, please get in touch with us so that we arrange the necessary logistics for the extension and also tell you how much money extra you need to pay for the other days.

A safari in the Masai Maraa can be combined with gorilla trekking in Uganda in our 8 day 7nights Maasai Mara Wildlife Safari and Uganda gorilla trekking Tour package in Bwindi forest or Mgahinga national park. This package will make for you a truly memorable experience in Africa. If you have already visited the Mara, you might consider our 3day 2 nights Serengeti wildlife safari tour package in Tanzania. For those who have little time to spare while in Kenya, our 2 Day 1night Masai Mara Short Wildlife Safari Tour in Magical Kenya may be more suitable for you.


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