Tour Detail



There is no wrong time to visit magical Kenya or travel to Kenya for safari; that is the beauty of Kenya as one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Kenya enjoys a moderate climate throughout the year, and there are a number of activities one can enjoy, thanks to varied geography.
When we hear the word Kenya, the first thing that comes to mind is the wildlife, followed by the vibrant culture of the Masai Mara tribe. It’s true that a majority of the tourists visit the country keeping these activities in mind. And it should be, not only because they are iconic, but also because they open doors to many other experiences.

Here’s a 7 Days | 6 Nights Best of Kenya Classic Wildlife Safari Itinerary to help you plan a Perfect trip to Kenya.

JAMBO – KARIBU! It is ‘touch down’ at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your 7 Days | 6 Nights Best of Kenya Classic Wildlife Safari Tour. Representatives of Nungi Safaris, your hosts in Kenya eagerly await your arrival in traditional African style – wet towels and bubbly. It is a tradition in Africa to present a gift to express our joy and happiness – what better gift than an authentic (branded) safari hat and other safari essentials? After that transfer to your hotel in Nairobi, Kenya’s colourful capital city to check in to your city hotel. The rest of the day or evening is spent at leisure. Meal Plan: BB

AMUKA! Wake Up! After an early sumptuous breakfast depart to Amboseli National Park,

which provides the classic Hollywood image of Africa. Set in rolling savannah scenery, it is dwarfed by the presence of the pink-tinged, snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing volcanic mountain in the world and topped by one-fifth of all the ice in Africa. Against this magnificent backdrop roam vast herds of ‘giant’ elephants accompanied by a kaleidoscope of other fabulous beasts – lion, buffalo, cheetah, giraffe, baboon, gazelle hippo and wildebeest. Amboseli National Park is also an ornithological paradise with over 400 species of birds, all manner of reptilian, flora and fauna and some of the most soul-searing views in Africa. Arrive at your preferred choice of accommodation for check-in and some delicious lunch. Enjoy an afternoon game viewing drive in search of the ‘big five’ among other animals. Her breathtaking scenery – one of the best places for a photogenic view of Mount Kilimanjaro; weather permitting is next to none. Return to your lodge for Dinner and overnight. Meal Plan: L,D,BB. 

Today you have the full day in Amboseli. Start with an early morning game drive, and return for breakfast in the hotel, thereafter the rest of the morning is at leisure perhaps by the pool if the booked hotel has it overlooking the majestic mountain. Enjoy lunch and some leisure time and later that afternoon head out for yet another game viewing drive on this magnificent backdrop to one of Kenya’s most spectacular displays of wildlife – lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, cheetah, buffalo and hosts of plains’ game. Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight. Meal Plan: LDBB

After a sumptuous breakfast at your lodge, depart on a pleasant drive to Lake Nakuru National Park; your journey takes us down the Great Rift Valley, with its spectacular views of the valley below; with breath-taking views – the beauty of nature unfolding before you. The Great Rift Valley is part of an intra-continental ridge system that runs through Kenya from north to south. The rift escarpment road is of historical significance as it was built by Italian Prisoners of War during World War II. As you cross the valley, you pass Mount Longonot, a stratovolcano located southeast of Lake Naivasha, a freshwater lake set in the heart of the Great Rift Valley. The lake derives its name from the local Maasai word Nai’posha, meaning “rough water” because of the sudden storms, which can arise. Continue your journey to Lake Nakuru National Park to check in at your lodge and enjoy lunch.

This afternoon we depart on a game-viewing drive circumventing Lake Nakuru. The lake is situated in the heart of the Rift Valley and is one of Kenya’s most famous soda lakes. Some of the interesting places to visit include the baboon cliff, the lion hill and the Mau escarpment. Over 300 bird species have been recorded here. This park also provides sanctuary for the endangered Rothschild giraffe, black and white rhino and the elusive leopard.

The scenery is breathtaking; a haven, rejuvenating the soul with the largest Euphorbia Forest in Africa, and great observation points including the Lion Hill, the Honeymoon Ranges and the Bahati Hills. The landscape includes areas of marsh and grasslands alternating with rocky cliffs and outcrops, stretches of acacia woodland and rock. The lake catchment is bounded by the Menengai crater to the north, the Bahati hills to the northeast, the Lion Hill range to the east, the Eburu crater to the south and the Mau escarpment to the west. Enjoy dinner and overnight at the Lodge. 


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the rising water levels of the lake, the population of the flamingo has diminished, so the hue of pink from the flamingo is not as intense as it once was. Meal Plan: LDBB

After breakfast depart for Kenya’s famous Masai Mara Game Reserve while on this 7 Days | 6 Nights Best of Kenya Classic Wildlife Safari Tour. You start the day venturing through the Great Rift Valley travelling to the northernmost extension of the Serengeti Plains and one of the richest wildlife Game Reserves, the Masai Mara. It is perhaps the only region left in Kenya where the visitor may see animals in the same super-abundance as existed a century ago. Arrive for a very warm welcome and for a late lunch at your lodge/camp. After lunch, you depart for an afternoon game-viewing drive in this vast and expansive Reserve teaming with game. Be on the lookout for the ‘big five’ Mara is famous for and the most sought after in the early 20th century when Kenya was a hunters’ paradise. The “big five’ include the lion, Cape buffalo, the Savannah elephant, black rhino and the elusive leopard.  The vast savannah grasslands are as far as the eye can see and is home to the awesome black-manned lion, the elusive leopard, cheetah, the Maasai giraffes, vast herds of elephants, rhino, thundering herds of zebra, migrating wildebeest, impalas, wart hogs, Thomspon and Grand gazelles, topis, waterbucks and numerous other plains game. You return late in the evening to freshen up prior to dinner and overnight at the lodge/camp. Meal Plan: LDBB

After a sumptuous breakfast, depart for a full-day adventure. Be on the lookout for the big five that Masai Mara is famous for and that may have eluded you on your previous game drives; these include the lion, savannah (African) elephant, the Cape buffalo, the leopard and the black rhino. You may even be so lucky to witness a leopard or a cheetah sprint and make a kill! Return back to the camp for dinner and overnight.




Hot Air Balloon Safari
Today’s adventure begins just before dawn. Flames from the hot air balloon burners light the darkness as the crews inflate their craft. The first, pink tongues of sunlight flicker across the skies and the hot air balloon fills then rises. Suspended in a basket beneath the rainbow-coloured canopy, you are off for a game-viewing adventure with an entirely different perspective. Apart from the occasional hiss of the burners, a lion’s roar, elephants crashing through the bush, and baboons perched at the tips of the trees startled and screeching to see something above them, the flight above the Masai Mara Plains is magically silent. At the end of the flight, the passengers are treated to a champagne breakfast in the bush, complete with flowers. China and crystal are set out on the table that is placed under a convenient acacia tree. The finishing touch to the flight is a game drive back to the camp, and the possibility of seeing the same pride of lions, or herd of elephants that had been viewed while ballooning. A flight certificate is issued on completion of the balloon safari. Back at Camp enjoy a sumptuous lunch and a well-deserved rest.

Visit to an ‘off the beaten track Masai Manyatta
You may opt to visit a traditional Maasai Manyatta (off the beaten track) and experience the culture of this world-famous community. The Masai still live as they did for centuries -interact with these nomadic people and experience their way of life as you learn about their customs and traditions.

Meal Plan: LDBB

This morning enjoy your breakfast then check out. Unbelievable but true, your good bush moments have come to an end. Bid farewell to our wonderful lodge manager and his team then depart to Nairobi as you will be ending  This amazing 7 Days | 6 Nights Best of Kenya Classic Wildlife Safari Tour. Not empty-handed though, with you are photographs – a capture of the special moments you have had on this tour to immortalize the experience. Your guide driver will transfer you to the Carnivore restaurant for lunch (if time allows) and then drop you at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your onward flight. 

Meal Plan: L


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